Three Methods of striking Whipping-Snapping-Thrusting

a) Whipping: fast loose hitting with no attempt to put strength into the blow, relying solely on the weight of the body tool, target areas usually above and below the eyes, bridge of nose, chin, jaw hinge, temple etc. Any bony protrusion protected only by a thin layer of skin. The only exception being a flick to the groin.

b) Snapping: a blow which requires follow through, about three inches of penetration, an outgoing blow which does not return the same way it went out. Target areas, side of neck, collar bone, pancreas, liver, kidneys etc. Any area which is covered by muscle, or bone and muscle.

c) Thrusting; having steadied your opponent against the wall or ground (prone position) you thrust with all your strength. Only then under these conditions is it safe to use this technique usually following a blow to the side of the head or eyes/nose, so as your opponent cannot see this slower technique and therefore cannot defend against it.